Monday, March 15, 2010

Lights, Camera, Action!

"For the Glory" is a movie based on our landlord, Kurt Kuykendall and how he went from nothing to an all American soccer player and believer of Christ. My sister-in-law Katherine and her husband Chris wrote the script to this movie, and our church is helping support them as they are in the process of casting for the lead roles. After much hesitation, excitement, and other people telling us to, we auditioned! Brett auditioned for Robby, a friend of Kurt's, and I auditioned for the role of Sherry, Kurt's wife. I've always wanted to be in a movie, and thought hey I may never have this opportunity ever again so I might as well try out, what do I have to loose. Unfortunately we weren't able to make the auditions due to our work schedules, so we had to send in tapes. We spent out Saturday evening filming, and let me tell ya, acting by yourself is hard! We had so much fun though, laughing and messing up our parts, and trying to act the part to the best of our ability. For your entertainment I thought I would share a blooper or two with you.

Also Brett is currently taking French via Rosetta Stone. Tonight I was doing the dishes and I kept hearing "Vueh, Vah!, Du!" I kept getting so tickled because I couldn't hear everything he was saying, only every third word! Here he is in action.

Brett learning French

Brett is also applying for Grad school. He wants to eventually get his Doctorate in History, and become a history professor. We should now in the next couple of months where he gets in. So other than work, filling out applications, and becoming famous actors our life is pretty much uneventful.


Sarah M said...

haha this is awesome. Maybe you will get famous & I can say I knew you first.

P.S. Adam says he wants to audition lol

Perry Pizzazz said...

Cute stories Barbee!! Would you be up for another game night?