Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Hurricane Irene

We were "hit" with yet another natural disaster this weekend. I say "hit" lightly because well she kinda changed directions and didn't really hit us at all. Hurricane Irene made her way into town Saturday. They were expecting us to get hit pretty hard, people over reacted in my opinion.

Allll the water in Giant was gone as you can see from the above photo, people were filling up gas cans with gas, people were freaking out.

We did end up loosing power for about 2-3 hours on Saturday night, and of course it was right as I stated to fix dinner. So I had to get creative.
I had to cook over a Sterno. Sesame seed chicken over a Sterno, I'm kinda proud of myself :)

After dinner we decided to play Mexican Tray. Its a game of dominoes and it lasted 5 hours.

The next morning, praise the Lord, the only damage we had was this little guy.

Not sure where he came from, but he was lying perfectly on our stairs...hope he isn't to important, since we just trashed him :)

And on Monday night Brett started his last first day of a Fall semester for his Master program:)

And since he is so wonderful he takes pictures for me:)I'm so proud of him and thankful for his dedication and hard work! He's almost done, graduation is in 9 months!!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

A First

I survived my first earthquake today...True story. I was sitting at work, felt the building shake, looked at my co-worker, said do you feel that, then everyone started screaming "Earthquake!!" and running around. I of course found this funny, stayed in my seat and laughed..then ran to a doorway. Some people ran outside, others just feel on the floor. I'm thankful that it wasn't that bad and that we can laugh about it. But it was kinda scary now to think about. It was a 5.9 and We survived. And just for fun a photo from the quake today.

Just kidding, this photo is going around on the web. We do over react...

On other news Brett starts his fall semester next week, so summer is officially almost over, bummer.