Friday, April 6, 2012


I guess you could say the nesting has begun! I need to constantly be cleaning, organizing, or doing something "productive" or I go crazy. Tonight, I chose to be crafty.

As Brett was growing up his mom would chart their growth on their kitchen wall. You know, stand tall, mom places the ruler on your head and marks the wall with your initials and the date. Such a neat thing to look back on. However, the house is now up for Sale and unfortunately we can't take the kitchen wall with us. With baby #1 on the way I wanted to come up with a way to measure his growth, that we could take with us.

I came across this on Pinterest and thought with a little work, I could make this kid friendly. The final product...

I started with a plain 4 foot piece of shelving board, purchased at Lowe's.
Then I painted it, with an 89 cent bottle of craft paint, and added my measurements.
Lastly, I hot glued the soccer ball, football, basketball, and baseball on!
So easy! I love the way it turned out and I can't wait to hang it in his room!
Any one else want one, I still have at least 6 weeks before baby comes, I could make a lot of these!